Monday, October 29, 2012

Who's Confused?!? Me ! T-T

Ok so one of my friends Jeccajo120 and I had a fight.Then we made up then she looked at this blog and asked to be on it o.o Well then some creeper acc.(I know Im one xD) called Ghostly3815 messaged me.She asked if I met jeccajo120...Then she started talking shyt about her.I just agreed until I noticed something...Jeccajo(no offence) is not famous.How would that ghosly acc. know her.I was starting to think that they were the same person.To get at me then use what i said about her against me! I mean ghostly went to Emily3815's room then 3 seconds later Jecca is there too.Then I tell them i know they are the same person.They say they are sisters.And ghostly rl name is Sally.I know that's a name but a little weird right?Idk what to believe...Then they both beg at the same time not to say anything about bout jecca...Also when i said who they were at the same time they chatted me they arent Ghostly/Jecca...

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