Friday, October 26, 2012

Once Again Forums Are Being Attacked :(

One member of the Pump Crew has invaded forumas AGAIN.Who?That's right Tanaman' -_- He is the worse on forums.Today he is being quite dis respectful with ''Most are non vips because there parents can't afford it'' also he is bullying by saying people have insecurities so they take it out on Pump.Im surprised Tana hasn't gotten locked. Heck the thing he says is worse than Pump! Here above is his words..

                                                                 Forumers attack back with angry forums 6/8 are about the rude forum.Most about how it was mean and hateful.I'm still not sure why Tanaman' is mean to the forumers.Even if a hater they are not ti be bullied....Even people are saying they might quit if it doesn't stop ._.

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