Monday, December 31, 2012


Hai people who are reading this, i'm not going to post as much and i'm going to be making special apperences on American msp as some of you already know. So yeah bye! -Emmy Sky :D

Sunday, December 30, 2012


For the lack of posts. MSP isn't any fun :| I deleted my account. I will still update the blog, but very little on MovieStarPlanet unlss ~wolfhead~ would like to join me :)

Monday, December 17, 2012


Hello everyone as you know on December 21, 2012 the world that we know today is coming to a end.Let me tell you something it is NOT.Stop chattering about it it is getting on my nerves o_o
Yes ^

Monday, December 10, 2012

Em's new Account

Hai guys gran here!As you know Emily's account will not be my name anymore it will be her own.I'm just seeing if it works :D Bye Now O.O


Hewwo people Gran here :] So I've 2 things to say o.e One is on this post the other on another.That Ryhmes O: Anyways...So from the last post you know that Emily decided not to quit.Well usually you see as my name 'Emma Motionless' well I'm going to make that you still see me as my name, but when Em posts  it's going to be Emily Sky.Ok? Ok. O_O


Saturday, December 8, 2012

I'm back again!!! :D

Emily ish back in da house! :D After a long thinking about quitting the blog, I decided not to. :D I might not post as much but i'm still here! :D Ok byeee! -EmilySky91   

Friday, December 7, 2012

Changes :D

Hi guys Gran here! As you can see the blog is getting cool new things on it.Like the welcome to my blog thing.Like it.At this moment I'm trying to change the poll.Blogger is  kinda slow today  :/ Anways hope you like it.Have a photo request tell meh :D :D :D :D
^ annoying song o.e
Have you heard of Jeanna Marbles if you didn't watch dis video x-o

Song of the Day #10 :)

This song is like Pop Rock.It's fun to dance and listen to so yeah xD Flyleaf-New Horizons

Lies Lies Lies

Gran here there is this girl.You probably know her her accounts are on USA MSP: rockondude12345, Cat Wants U!.UK MSP:!BullyingFree!
Well she has been writing lies on her blog about me.Of course she can't stop bullying me :'(
Click here to see her blog... here is one pic anyway.

She says thats my account on USA MSP, but I don't even know that chick.I wouldn't make my avatar look like that either.More proof it's a lie is this account is NEW! I was banned off USA MSP 2 months ago.How could I make an account??Lies I tell you -_-


Gran  here just wanted to say sorry.There hasn't been post lately.I'm in the skimmed math group and they've been giving us 4 pages of homework so you get it -_-Don't worry though now I'm not as busy so more new post :D


Hey guys Gran here Emily quit I'm so sorry.On MSP things have been happening causing us to not be besties and we got in fights and stuff.Yeah I'm sorry.Please respect her choice she is the one who wanted to leave.I will miss her too :(